List Testsets
Retrieve all Testsets with cursor-based pagination
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"items": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2025-02-06T00:05:50.224015",
"name": "Example Testset",
"description": "A testset to finally confirm if the moon is made of cheese.",
"using_retrieval": true,
"ingestion_method": "manual",
"num_testcases": 10,
"published": true,
"updated_at": "2025-02-07T00:05:50.224392",
"is_archived": true,
"project_id": 1,
"custom_schema": {
"variables": [
"data_type": "file_url",
"description": "example file url",
"name": "example_file_url",
"role": "input"
"data_type": "json_object",
"description": "example json object",
"name": "example_json_object",
"role": "output"
"data_type": "text",
"description": "example text",
"name": "example_text",
"role": "label"
"created_by_playground": true
"total": 123,
"current_page": "<string>",
"current_page_backwards": "<string>",
"previous_page": "<string>",
"next_page": "<string>"
The ID of the testset.
The creation date and time of the testset.
A human-readable name for the testset. This will be displayed in the UI.
A description for the testset.
Whether or not the testset uses retrieval.
The method used to ingest the testset.
The number of testcases in the testset.
Whether or not the testset is published.
The last time the testset was updated.
Whether or not the testset is archived.
The ID of the project the testset belongs to.
Custom schema model with an ordered list of custom variables.
Ordered list of custom variables
Custom variable model with name, description, role and data type.
Enum for role types.
, output
, label
, metadata
Enum for data types.
, file_url
, json_object
Whether or not the testset was created by the playground.
Total items
Cursor to refetch the current page
Cursor to refetch the current page starting from the last item
Cursor for the previous page
Cursor for the next page
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curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"items": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2025-02-06T00:05:50.224015",
"name": "Example Testset",
"description": "A testset to finally confirm if the moon is made of cheese.",
"using_retrieval": true,
"ingestion_method": "manual",
"num_testcases": 10,
"published": true,
"updated_at": "2025-02-07T00:05:50.224392",
"is_archived": true,
"project_id": 1,
"custom_schema": {
"variables": [
"data_type": "file_url",
"description": "example file url",
"name": "example_file_url",
"role": "input"
"data_type": "json_object",
"description": "example json object",
"name": "example_json_object",
"role": "output"
"data_type": "text",
"description": "example text",
"name": "example_text",
"role": "label"
"created_by_playground": true
"total": 123,
"current_page": "<string>",
"current_page_backwards": "<string>",
"previous_page": "<string>",
"next_page": "<string>"